
时间:2015-06-15 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:

2.Who's there?

3.You scared me to death, you mangy thing.

4.I'm just looking for an old well. Know it?

5.Not talking, huh?

6.show me the well!

7.Get away from me!

8.Let me guess. You're from Texas or Utah, someplace dried-out and barren, right?

9.I heard about water witching before, but it doesn't make sense.

20.you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day.

21.Surprised she let you move in.

22.My gram ma, she owns the Pink Palace. Won't rent to people with kids.

23.What do you mean?

24.I'm not supposed to talk about it. I'm Wybie. Wybie Lovat.

25.Short for Wyborne.

26.Not my idea, of course. What did you get saddled with?

27.I wasn't saddled with anything. It's Caroline.

28.It's not real scientific, but I heard an ordinary name like Caroline.

29.I think I heard someone calling you, Wyborne.

30.What? I didn't hear anything.

31.I definitely heard someone.

32.Well, great to meet a Michigan water witch,

33.but I'd wear gloves next time.

34.Cause that dowsing rod of yours,

35.It's poison oak.

36.I almost fell down a well yesterday, Mom.

37.I would've died.

38.That's nice.

39.So, can I go out? I think it's perfect weather for gardening.

40.No, Caroline. Rain makes mud. Mud makes a mess.12